Muskingum County Treasurer | Muskingum County, Ohio

1. Why did my taxes increase? The tax bill is prepared from information provided by the County Auditor's office. The two things that can change the amount due are a difference in the property valuation or tax rate. Any levies that passed in your taxing district would result in a change in your tax obligation. If you have any questions about the valuation or tax levies, you will need to contact the Muskingum County Auditor's office at 740 455-7109.

2. What is the tax rate for my taxing district? You can view a chart of current tax rates here.

3. What should I do if I didn't receive a tax bill? Please contact our office at 740 455-7118 to make sure we have your correct mailing address on record. We are not able to reprint your tax duplicate, but you can print a copy of your current-year bill online by using the Treasurer's Tax Search Function. Another option is to send in a check for the correct amount with the parcel number(s) written in the memo portion of your check and a self-addressed stamped envelope for a receipt. To find out the tax amount due and the parcel number, please go to the Treasurer’s Online Property Search Function. You may also contact our Office and we can email or mail you a copy of your bill.

4. I received my tax bill but it was supposed to go to my mortgage lender what should I do? Or vice versa. By law, we must receive a written and signed change of address form from the party who was to receive the bill. The change of address form is available herePlease contact your bank or mortgage company to discuss who is going to pay the tax bill before it becomes delinquent. If the bill was delivered to the bank or mortgage company and should be sent to you, please send or email written notice on the change of address form to the Treasurer’s Office of the proper mailing address and indicate the parcel numbers of all property affected. If the bank or mortgage company should receive the bill, please have the bank or mortgage company send or email in a completed change of address form.

5. Are postmark dates acceptable? When are taxes considered late? Postal regulations state that a USPS postmark of the due date or prior is to be considered timely if it is a US Postal Service post mark and valid payment is included. Post marks from private postal meters are not accepted. Postdated payments are not accepted as timely and are illegal.

6. Can I get a receipt for my paid taxes? Your cancelled check image from your bank will act as a receipt for tax payments.

7. How much is the late payment penalty? Penalty is 10% of the current taxes due according to Ohio Revised Code 323.17. Penalty is reduced to 5% if paid within ten days of the tax due date. Interest is added on any prior delinquency July 1st. Interest will be added on December 1st for any unpaid taxes.

8. I didn't receive my tax bill. Can penalties be waived? No, penalties cannot be waived. Failure to receive a bill does not excuse you from your tax obligation or paying a penalty, much the same way credit card companies and other consumer lenders function. Under a very narrow set of circumstances, you may submit to the Board of Revision through the Treasurer for remission of late payment penalty form. Tax bills are mailed in January and May. If you do not receive your bill by the end of January or May, please contact the Office or print a bill at A taxpayer notice will appear in the Times Recorder prior to the due date notifying taxpayers that tax bills have been mailed and a reminder of the due date.

9. What are the consequences of not paying my taxes? Taxes are a lien on your property and could hinder your attempt to sell your property and potentially reduce the purchase price as the new owner will be responsible for the delinquency. Property taxes follow the parcel not the person. One year after taxes are certified delinquent, a foreclosure action can be filed by the Muskingum County Prosecutor's Office which will result in accrued penalties, interest, and court costs as well as a Sheriff's sale of your property. Muskingum County currently does not sell tax liens.

10. Do you accept credit cards, debit cards, or electronic checks? Yes, but not in-person at the Treasurer’s Office. You may pay by credit card, debit card or electronic check online at or by telephone at 833) 591-0711. Fees apply. In-person at the Treasurer’s Office, we can accept personal checks, cashier’s checks, money orders, or cash (please do not send cash in the mail). Checks should be made payable to Todd A. Hixson, Muskingum County Treasurer.

11. Can I pay my delinquent taxes in payments? You may enter a written delinquent contract with our office that allows you to pay your delinquent taxes and unpaid current taxes in installments on residential and agricultural real property and manufactured housing as long as you own and occupy the property and you have not obtained and/or defaulted on a prior payment plan. Please call the Treasurer’s Office at 740 455-7118 to discuss your delinquency payment plan options.

12. I purchased real estate during the tax year but I received a tax bill for the full year amount. What should I do? The deeded owner of record or designee receives the bill and is responsible for taxes. Real property taxes should be prorated at closing with the seller crediting the buyer on the closing statement the prorated amount of taxes that will come due and be paid to the Treasurer by the buyer or designee.

13. How do I change my mailing address? The State of Ohio requires us to obtain written and signed change of address form prior to processing. You can write a simple note with your new billing address and mail or fax it to our office. If you are paying full year or half year taxes, fill out the back of the tax bill stub and check the new address box on the front of the return envelope.

14. When does the delinquent list appear in the newspaper? The delinquent tax list is published annually and runs twice, usually in October and November, after certification of delinquencies by the County Auditor.